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Contact lens is the silicone products

Source:silicone products http://www.ketaili.net | Time: 2014/12/20 11:09:04 | Visit: 1628 | More about 《Silicone Products

Contact lens is the silicone products

Now a lot of vision is not very good people abandoned the frame glasses choose to wear contact lenses, they don't know what's the material contact lenses, so this for them, it is difficult to discern the stand or fall of contact lenses and maintenance use. In fact, the lens is silica gel products, is a kind of special silicone products. Many people may not letter, the following is from our families, terry silicone products factory for you to share the mystery of the contact lenses.

Contact lenses - silicone products

At present, a lot of contact lenses of raw materials on the market for silicone products, silicone lens is also called the soft lenses, moulded legal system as a process, successively after turning, ultrasonic polishing precision machining, surface smooth, low contrast good eyesight, spherical lenses, more stable and clear vision. In order to prove the contact lens is the silicone products we prepare two experiments:

A, water boiling state, steam steamed contact lenses for a few seconds, edge contact lenses will start to huddle, but there will be no signs of melting, slightly harden after cooling, on nursing liquid for several seconds, can discover, contact lenses will restore the original state. And this is precisely the silicone products good stretch.

Two, will contact lenses under the flame burning, lens would huddle harden, slowly will come up to the light blue flame, and then the lens began to burn. After burning the rest is gray dust, the grey matter in silica, this is more material with silica gel products after burning is the same

From the aspects of silica gel products we offer you the following advice convenient people buy and use contact lenses:

1, contact lenses, although high melting point, but if direct contact with the fire is easy to melt. Especially under the environment of high temperature dehydration faster, so we contact lenses to stay away from the fire

2, should be paid attention to when buying contact lenses with eye health. In accordance with the instructions or professional guidance for daily wear, avoid glasses red and swollen, tingling, foreign body sensation, and so on and so forth

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